IPAC CSO Annual Education Day Presentations
2024 Education Day (NEW UPLOADS)
- Diptheria - My Phtheories on Diphtheria by Erica Susky: /photos/custom/Diphtheria Presentation May 2024.pdf
- Overcoming Urinary Tract infection Pitfalls: A Program for Long-Term Care Homes by Kasey Gambeta: /photos/custom/UTI Program - IPAC CSO - May 16 2024.pdf
- Emerging and re-emerging threats in a post-pandemic world by Dr. Karim F. Ali: /photos/custom/IPACCSO - Dr Karim Ali.pdf
- Group A Streptococcus spp. A disease with many faces by Dr. Kevin Stinson:/photos/custom/Group A Strep - A Disease with many faces.pdf
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Use of TB PCR by Dr. Bahereh Ghadaki: /photos/custom/TB PCR_final2.pdf
2022 Education Day
- Discussing Vaccination Strategies with Hesitant Parents’ (Dr. Jeffrey Pernica)
- Antimicrobial Stewardship in Ontario for Primary Care and Long Term Care Settings (Dr. Kevin Schwartz)
- Pathways to certification and the LTC certification (Sandra Callery)
- Monkey Pox: An Origin Story (Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti)
- Diagnosis COVID: How to use and interpret CT values and various COVID diagnostic tests (Dr. Kevin Stinson)
- Increase of endemics becoming epidemics (Dr. Zain Chagla)
2020 & 2021 Education Days
In light of developments resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic, IPAC Central South Ontario Chapter made the decision to cancel the Annual Education days scheduled for 2020 & 2021.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
2019 Education Day
- UTI in LTC Homes (Melissa Miller)
- CPE Overcoming the Barriers -A Knowledge Translation Apporach to Success (Kasey Gambeta)
- CAUTIon with Catheters -CAUTI Reduction Initiative (Anne Bialachowski)
- One Health and IPAC (Katherine Paphitis)
- Bending IP Rules Without Breaking Our Principals (Jim Gualtier)
- Siri, I am Sick? (Natasha Salt)
- How Story Telling Can Reduce Hospital Infections (Dr. Blair Bigham)
- They are Everywhere: Microbes Without Borders (Barley Chironda)
- The Art of Persuasion (Jackie Nugent)
Education Day 2018
- The Scoop on Poop: 21st century look at an 18th century problem (Jim Gaultier)
- Is there no end to antibiotic resistance? CPE and C. auris (Dr. Allison McGeer)
- The Puck is Passed! IPAC Lapses in the Community Setting - Chris Gaspar & Lori Ros
- Putting the 'Able' in Cleanable (Wendy James)
Education Day 2017
- Adult Vaccination (Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti)
- Role of IPAC in Management of Patients with C.difficile (Trish Beckett)
- Latent TB -A quick review (Jessica Miedus & Manuela de Fatima Lopes)
Partnership of the Minds -How your brain can referee the Murphy vs. Ockham title fight(Dr. W. A. Ciccotelli)
Education Day 2016
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- Preventing Healthcare Associated Pneumonia (HAP) Initiative (A.Bialachowski)
- MRSA and VRE (Dr. Dominik Mertz)
- PHO Guided Tour -We’re all in this together (Virginia Tirilis)
- Social Media and Infectious Diseases (Dr. Zain Chagla)
Education Day 2015
- Infection Prevention and Control: Whose role is it anyway? (Dr. Gary Garber)
Education Day 2014
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TB Around the World & the new Canadian TB Standards (Dr. Dominik Mertz)
Education Day 2013
- Case Studies of Unusual Infectious Organisms (Dr. Cheryl Main)
- Tools to Identify, Contain and Prevent Outbreaks in Acute Care, Long-term Care and the Community (Dr. Dominick Mertz)
- How to Find Your Extraordinary Edge (Bob Koehler)
- Coccidioides and the Holes in Swiss Cheese (Dr. William Ciccotelli)
- Disaster Clean Up and Testing for Air Quality (Jeff Heidbuurt, Rex Alarcon, Louis Le Tarnet)
Education Day 2012
- Managing Privacy Challenges While Protecting Patients and Residents from Infection: Can We do Both? (Lonny J. Rosen)
- Is this your stop? Antimicrobial Stewardship (Dr. Dominik Mertz)
- Trouble in the Tunnel: A New Perspective on Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (Laura Robbs)